Installing Typescript
To install npm I like to do it with chocolatey (link to my blog post).
choco install nodejs -y
Install Typescript globally
npm install -g typescript
Once that is finished, let’s get the version of typescript returned to make sure it’s working correctly.
tsc -v
You should see the Version number output.
Install Typescript locally
VS Code will look at the local install, but also, people who clone our repo will have the correct version if we’ve installed it locally.
Create the package.json file
Let’s create a package.json file by running the following:
npm init -y
Add Typescript to the new package.json file
npm install --save-dev typescript@latest
This should now have added typescript to the devDependencies collection in your package.json file.
Execute the Typescript compiler
When we execute the Typescript compiler it transforms all the Typescript files into ES5 JavaScript files
Creeate a new file
Create a new file called server/server.ts
const message : string = "Hello World";
Compile the file in to JavaScript
tsc server/server.ts
That will output a javascript into the same directory.
Run the Javascript file to test
node server/server.js
This will output Hello World to the terminal
Setup the TypeScript configuration
TypeScript is configured with a .tsconfig file
Create the tsconfig file
tsc --init
This will create the tsconfig json file in the current directory, with all the properties available in the file, but commented out.
Add property to list files
Now, we’re going to set the listEmittedFiles property to true, so that when we run tsc, we will see a list of the files that has been updated.
Add the following to your tsconfig file
"listEmittedFiles": true
Run tsc command
Now, let’s run the tsc command without any file name or options, and it should create the javascript file like before and list it in the terminal.
Install express
Install express via npm
npm install --save-dev express
Install express types
npm install --save-dev @types/express
Modify server.ts
Let’s modify our server.ts file to actually start the beginnings of a backend, by adding express.
Open up the server.ts file and delete the lines we created earlier and add the following:
import * as express from 'express';
const port : string | number = process.env.port || 1337;
const app = express();
console.log("Listending on port " + port);
create index.html
create server .ts file and compile
server the app in the browswer