The plan
- What is Gulp?
- Set up Gulp in Visual Studio
1. What is Gulp?
2. Set up Gulp in Visual Studio
1. Create a package.json file
First we need to create a package.json file, this holds all the npm packages.
Right click on your project and click Add New Item, then scroll to the bottom of the list of file types, and near the bottom you should see npm Configuration File
2. Install Gulp
Open up PowerShell and browse to your project directory, and run the following commmand to install Gulp.
npm install gulp --save-dev
Now install Gulp globally by running the same command without the –save-dev
npm instatll gulp
Now install Gulp globally by running the same command without the –save-dev
After a few seconds, Gulp should be installed and your package.json file should now read as the following:
3. Create Gulp file
Right click on your project and click Add New Item, then scroll down to find JavaScript file and name it gulpfile.js