
UML made easy with plantuml vs code


The hitchhikers guide to PlantUML


plantuml markdown code gitlab github integration





My notes

  1. What is PlantUML?
  2. Installing PlantUML
  3. create file with puml or example file extension
  4. copy in example code
  5. hit Alt+d for preview

There is a _docs folder in every folder that needs diagrams or hlds.

  • all these files are markdown or puml
  • The PlantUML diagrams are generated and saved into the _docs folder
  • The markdown files are generated and saved into the _docs folder as Word documents and possibly powerpoint documents.
  • All those files are built and deployed to a wiki somewhere…
  • github actions detects a change to to a /docs/ file in any branch, it then grabs that branch, generated the diagrams and word documents (do I need word docs?). And pushes the files all into the wiki.
  • Wiki is laid out by version numbers.
  • Folder structure: